Honor Bill Russell's Legacy by Making a Gift

“There’s no such thing as other people’s children.” - Bill Russell

Honor Bill Russell's Legacy by Making a Gift image

“There’s no such thing as other people’s children.” - Bill Russell

We are committed to continuing the vision of MENTOR’s founding board member Bill Russell and to honor his exemplary life and legacy. Russell, a legend on the court and in the civil rights movement, has been an integral part of MENTOR since its inception more than 30 years ago and has remained steadfastly committed as a champion of the mentoring movement.

In 2016, Russell wrote about his dedication to mentoring and shared his mentoring story in USA Today:

“If not for George Powles, I would have never played basketball. If you ask any NBA player, executive, or coach about their path to success, on and off the court, you’ll quickly see the same pattern emerge. None of us made it on our own. The truth is, that in all walks of life, mentors transform lives. Whether it’s the middle school math teacher who drove you home from school every day; the uncle who busted your chops when your grades started to slip; the older student who kept you under a watchful eye; or the basketball coach who believed in you – none of us would be where we are today without the support of our mentors. I am proof. That’s why, 25 years ago, I became a founding board member of MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership to build and lead the mentoring movement and since then, MENTOR has helped create and drive support to thousands of programs mentoring millions of kids. It is my proudest accomplishment in life.”

We are eternally grateful for Bill’s vision and trailblazing contributions to the mentoring movement. Please help to continue his legacy of giving back by making a donation in his honor.

If you'd like to make a donation by ACH/wire transfer, stock transfer, or in another way, please contact Gabriela Castillo at gcastillo@mentoring.org.